Rigola Cool School – Remembrance day

On the 27th of January 1945 is the day when, at the end of the WORLD’S SECOND WAR, the gates of Auschwitz were destroyed by the Red army of the Soviet army, finishing of the persecution of Jews.
On the 27th of January also our school has been celebrating the Day of Remembrance with different activities to help us in the reflection and remembrance of the blackest period of our history.
The goal is never forgetting this dramatic moment of our past so that that event doesn’t happen again.The school prepared for this moment with commitment, seriousness, and emotion.
A long rug, realized with a lot of squares of handmade colored wool, was dropped from the window of our class, with group works, did resources to rebuild stories and life of patrician’s political opponents in our territory:
Carlo Vismara deported in Neungamme on 30th December 1943, died in 1944;
Mattavelli Angelo deported in Mauthausen on the 15th of March 1944, died on the 21st April 1944;
Cesana Augusto deported Flossemburg on the 30th of December 1944, died on the 18th March 1945;
Luigi Luraghi deported in Fossoli on the 9th of June 1944, died in the 1945.
We have been to the ‘’Cultural Centre’’ of Cazzano where we visited a museum dedicated to the Shoah with the exhibition of photos and objects found in the concentration camp and we had the witness of Lili Jacob, a deported in the camp of Auschwitz and at the end of the war, she found an album with the photos of deported in Auschwitz captured by Nazis. It was a touching experience.