Rigola Cool School – Breaking news: is there a broken future for women?

Violence: violence against women is one of the most serius and widespread forms of human rights violations. One in three women, according to Unifem data, has been raped, beaten, forced into sexual act or abused at least once in her life. There are very few women who report having suffered violence, and even fewer cases that reach a sentence.
According tu a study by WHO and the Word Bank, domestic violence is the leading cause death or serious injuries aged 16-44. 20,2% suffered physical violence, il 21% sexual violence, 5,4% the most serious forms of sexual violence such as rape and attempted rape. Violence has negative effects on the physical, mental, sexual and reproductive health of the victim. The consequences can lead to isolation, inability to work, limited ability to take care of themeselves and their children.
25th November: on November 25th, the International day for the elamition of violence against women is celabrated in the world, an anniversary established by United Nation General Assembly, to organize activities aimed at raise public awareness of one of the most devastating human rights violations.
Body shaming: body shaming is unfortunately a very widespread phenomenom, more than on might imagine is insulting others by exploiting phisical caracteristics. On the other hand, however, social media can help facilitated this form of bullyng, wich makes those who suffer it feel really bad. Body shaming literally means “making someone feel ashamed of their body, or mocking their phisical apparence”. It is a practice that is inflicted on people of different ages or genders due to phisical caracteristic.
Boiler summer cup: what’s the new challene on tik tok? A discuting social challenge a step backwards in evolution wich is nothing more than an attempt to lure girls belived to be overweight into the disco. The aim is to collect as many points as possible depending on the weight of the girls. “I touched a 130 kg boiler”, writes one of theme. “I can’t go beyond 70 kg”, replies another. “That looks like a 100-110 kg to me” one of the amused comments. Most girl, of curves are oblivius to these.
Gender equality in work: Discrimination stops opportunities, waste talent for economic progrest. Discimination against women and gender inequality in the world of work they still persist today around the world.
Gender equality is connect to social giustice and rappresents one of the goals of the 2030 agenda. 2030 Agenda rappresents an important opportunity to connect global acts and and develop cohesive politics for the gender equality. This represents an important opportunity to promote sustainable and inclusive development.
By Milani Anna, Capaccio Sofia, Dino Guida Giorgia