Rigola Cool School – La vecchia scuola: Rigola in the past

By Canzi Matilde, Cazzaniga Nicole, Marta Esperanza, Sciarrino Cristina
In 1885, don Carlo San Martino founded the Pio Istituto pei Figli della Provvidenza in Milan, to help children with family in need; he created a place where the children can live happily and without worries.
It was the 1889 when the first children entered in the House of Rigola in Besana Brianza; at first, he rented the house for the sick children that lived in the homes of Milan.
The positive experience convinced Don Carlo to buy the school and the other lands near the house. During the Second World War the Milan House was damaged, so the girls that lived there moved to Rigola. Rigola became a Primary School in 1939; in 1946 the women’s section opened. After, some professional courses started, but in 1963 the professional school was replaced by Middle High School, because it had become compulsory.
The Pio Istituto started its activities in Besana thanks to Don Carlo San Martino, he opened the first house to host children in need.
He was helped by many nuns.
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