Rigola Cool School – Critical Thinking: the skill to grow

Durante le lezioni di lingua inglese dedicate alla redazione del giornalino scolastico, i ragazzi di classe terza della scuola secondaria di primo grado non si limitano a scrivere articoli, ma svolgono anche un lavoro di analisi testuale e contenutistica, che li porti a sviluppare un proprio senso critico, che permette di analizzare la realtà in maniera obiettiva e autonoma.
Durante una lezione si sono cimentati nell’analisi delle seguenti citazioni:
“Much has been said and written on the utility of newspapers; but one principal advantage which might be derived from these publications has been neglected; we mean that of reading them in schools.” The Portland Eastern Herald (June 8, 1795)
“News is history in its first and best form, its vivid and fascinating form, and…history is the pale and tranquil reflection of it.” By Mark Twain, in his autobiography (1906)
“Current events provide authentic learning experiences for students at all grade levels…. In studying current events, students are required to use a range of cognitive, affective, critical thinking and research skills.”Haas, M. and Laughlin, M. (2000) Teaching Current Events: It’s Status in Social Studies Today.
Dopo averne compreso il significato, i ragazzi hanno prodotto un proprio commento, rivelando un pensiero critico già ben sviluppato:
“In my opinion, reaiding newspapers in schools was a very useful activity to know what was happening in the society and also to develop our own critical thinking. This activity could be reinserted in our school system, maybe reading and discussing the online versions of the newspapers” By Lavinia G.
“I agree with the importance of studying current events. I think breaking news help students to understand where they live and how they live and above all, they develop a critical sense and their own personal opinion.” By Sofia C.
“I completely agree with the utility of newspapers, because kids should know what happens around them. Obviously, teachers must choose news that is appropriate for kids of various ages, but I think that growing up, knowing how the world is going, it’s a way to increase curiosity and it helps to be an active citizen. I also think that History should include more newspapers and chronicles, because it’s more important to know today’s events than 700 years ago’s ones.” By Anna M.
“I agree with the concept that News is history, because news is broadcasted as soon as something happens, with a little censorship; the facts are said for what they really are. For me, people should express their opinions, with no discrimination; thanks to the news we know different points of view. I like the quote, because it’s poetic and expresses the opinion of the author clearly.” By Leonardo O.
“I think that it is important to know current events, so if a student hears adults talking about something they have read in the newspaper or heard in the news, the student can express his personal opinion, because he is informed.I believe it’s our right to stay informed.” By Cristina S.
Sviluppare il pensiero critico sui banchi di scuola è fondamentale, per formare delle persone consapevoli, responsabili, in grado di fare scelte non solo per se stesse, ma anche per gli altri.