Lab detailsLab details The artistic experience in its different channels is now more common to find within children's cultural panorama. Part of the artistic-expressive labs, the project Education to Theatricality (theatre lab) stems from the belief that drama at school …
Lab detailsLab details The goal is to revise the stages of the scientific method as a crowning to the Science lessons: we propose lab or outdoor activities involving the execution of simple experiments of Physics and Chemistry and observations in …
Lab detailsLab details Rigola stresses on learning the English language with mothertongue teachers, to enable children and kids to 'prepare their minds' for new linguistic sounds, different cultures, improve communication not only within the school but also in the social …
Lab detailsLab details The orientation project starts with toddlers and kindergarten children, goes on with the pupils of the primary school and is then expanded with the students at the secondary school. The project has been designed to offer the …
Lab detailsLab details The IT lab, catered for pupils and tweens of the primary and secondary school, has been thought for achieving specific competences. Objectives of the IT lab: The child will know the main uses of a computer and …
Lab detailsLab details For all grades Rigola's sports project offers three proposals for aquatic activities. TODDLERS' SECTION AND KINDERGARTEN – AQUATICS The main goal for toddlers and children of the kindergarten is feeling good when in water. Thanks to a …
Lab detailsLab details The arts lab has the objective of being a binding force for all school activities: it offers the student the chance to learn and experiment different ways to communicate – from the most traditional to the most …
Lab detailsLab details The instrumental lab at the primary school is aimed at kids' familiarisation with the flute. The instrumental lab at the secondary school has the goal to make children familiarise with guitar and clavier, dealing with a catalogue …