
Move, discover, learn.

Don Carlo San Martino – Rigola Institute in Besana Brianza proposes a psychomotricity lab for children from 2 to 5 years of age of both toddlers’ section and kindergarten. The project starts in October with 1-hour weekly classes till the end of the school year in June. The activities are carried out from 10 to 11 – on Friday for 2 and 3 year olds, on Thursday for children ages 4 and 5.

What’s the purpose of this project?

Rigola’s project focused on psychomotricity has specifically been conceived for the children facing the first challenges of growth. The aim is helping children explore their body, as a tool enabling them to get to know and establish a relationship with the others.

What is psychomotricity?

This discipline was born in France in the last century thanks to the effort of two pedagogists, Bernard Aucouturier and André Lapierre. It’s a mix of playful practices aimed at stimulating the child in the harmonic development of their personality through the body, the ability to ideate and emotional state.

Psychomotricity at the Toddlers’ section and in the first year of the Kindergarten

Psychomotricity for 2-3 YO involves games helping acquire awareness of one’s body and learn how to make use of it in a proper way. An important aspect is sharing, through which the children can relate with each other respectfully and using the right symbols.

Psychomotricy for childrean aged 4 and 5

The psychomotricity programmes aimed at 4-5 YOs favour the acquisition of self-confidence, motor abilities and the ability to express themselves and communicate in a suitable way. Sensorimotor, narrative and socialising games help children establish links between thought and body. They are useful to develop a good control of emotions as well.





SCHOOLL Toddlers, Kindergarten


